Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ocean Science Fun!

Okay…it’s done! Smile Thanks to Randi @ Teach it With Class and Valerie @ All Students Can Shine for reading over it for me!

This pack has LOTS in it!  Included:

-Ocean Word Wall Cards-Great to use for word walls, anchor charts, student reference, etc.



-Ocean Animal Fact Sheets & Cards-8 different facts for each of the animals shown above (a total of 64 facts!) in two different formats: a fact sheet with all facts for each animal and separate cards for each fact (as pictured below).   I would use fact cards towards the end of the year in kinder to have students “teach” each other information after I had introduced it in whole group.  They loved being the “teacher”! You could also teach the facts in a jigsaw style where a few students become experts on each animal and teach the other students about their animal.


-Ocean Animal Graphic Organizers-2 different graphic organizers for each animal shown in word wall cards above.  The “Can, Have, Need” is a great intro to each animal to see what students know and the 2nd blank “bubble” map is great for students to record facts they learned about the animal from the fact cards.


-Ocean Animals Mini-Book-A 1/2 page book with a page for each animal shown in word wall cards above.  A great “product” for after students have learned about the ocean animals.  Students can also make a book about one that they became an “expert” on or are extremely interested in by making a book with multiple pages for the same animal.  It’s also easy to leave out pages if you aren’t focusing on a certain ocean animal.  Cover and blank pages with sentence starters (ex: A fish _________________).

-Ocean Science Experiments (MY FAVORITE!)  See picture below (Click if you need it bigger!) for a short description of the experiments included.  They cover salt water vs. freshwater, waves & currents, how sand is made and examining sand.  So FUN!

It’s available now at both of my stores! 

If you would like to see a detailed explanation of each part (although I kind of accidentally did that here! oops!) you can download the preview at TpT!



Get it at


Teacher's Notebook 2




Now, when I teach science units I use real pictures!  But, due to copyright issues I did not include pictures in this pack.  I have, however, created a companion resource that I put on Google Docs for FREE (meaning no copyright infringement!).  So click the picture below to go to the Google Docs free resource!  There is also a link to it in the unit if you purchase.

Free Companion

Enjoy!! My other science units have had great feedback so I hope this one does as well as the others!!



  1. This makes me wish I taught an ocean unit!

    Also... Tag! You're it! Come see what this is all about here:
