Monday, April 9, 2012

Winner and….I’ve been TAGGED!

I hope you all had a wonderful, wonderful Easter!  I know I enjoyed spending some extra time with family!
Now for the winner of my Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell Giveaway! Smile
Old Lady Shell Giveaway
Congratulations Kelly @ Busy in Kindergarten! I’ll email you your prize shortly!
Now, I’ve been tagged THREE TIMES! Smile I’m feeling the love but am almost positive that you all don’t want to read THIRTY things about me!  So I’ve picked some from each list to answer.  Hope that’s okay! Thanks to Marie @ The Hands-On Teacher, Donna @ Math Coach’s Corner and Ms. Jessica @ A Turn to Learn for tagging me!
Here are the rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger asked you.
3. Create 10 questions of your own to ask the people you tag.
4. Tag 10 people and link them to your post (and let them know they’ve been tagged!)

Some questions from Marie:
1. What is one item in your classroom you could not live without?
-My colored markers! I use those for anchor charts and EVERYTHING! Love them so much.
2. What is the last “teacher book” you purchased?   
-The Next Step in Guided Reading by Jan Richardson.  My school did a book study on this book but I LOVE it.  It has a lot of great ideas and structures to use during guided reading!
8. Do you remember who YOUR favorite teacher was? Why were they so memorable?
-I was SO very blessed and have many, many favorite teachers.  My elementary school favorite though was my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hannah.  She absolutely taught me to LOVE learning.  My favorite part about 2nd grade was the old bathtub she had in her room!  She had it in her reading center and 2 people could get in with pillows and read.  It was the coveted reading spot in the classroom and I have always dreamed of having one in my classroom someday!
9. What is your go-to lunch that you pack for yourself?
-Roasted red pepper hummus and pita chips or veggies.  I LOVE hummus.  Smile

Some questions from Donna:
1. Have you always wanted to teach?
-As a little girl I would play “school” with my friends.  I have always, always wanted to teach and have always known I wanted to teach the little ones Smile
3. Dogs or cats?
-I don’t mind either one actually!  But I am a little biased to my sweet pug. Smile
7. If you found a spare $100, what are you likely to spend it on?
-Well, I probably would spend it on things for organization! Smile I love love love to organize things and also (like many other teachers) have a love for plastic containers!  It must be a teacher thing!
10. What is your favorite stress reliever?
-BAKING.  My team used to joke when I would bring in a sweet treat to lunch that I must be stressed.  Smile I love to bake and share it with others.  My great-grandma (now 94) has always done that so I guess I learned from her!

Some questions from Ms. Jessica:
3. What is your favorite subject/topic to teach?
-I love it all! I love guided reading because I love to get to meet with a small group of students and see those light bulbs go off as they are reading.  I love math because I love to teach with manipulatives.  I love science/social studies because I love the experiments and projects!
5. What is your favorite teacher program that you use either with your kids or to create things?
-I love BrainPOPJr!  The videos are short and sweet but PACKED with information.  Also the kiddos LOVE them!!!
8. What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?
-Never stop learning!  I can’t tell you how amazed I am how much I learned from every one of my students and from the process of planning for and teaching them! 
10. If you had won that 640 million dollar mega millions jackpot, would you still teach?
-ABSOLUTELY.  Smile  Just like every other teacher in the world, we are clearly not in it for the money! Smile I love teaching and affecting little lives.  It’s a calling for me and I don’t think any amount of money could pull me away!

My ten questions for the people I tag:
1. What grades have you taught and which was/is your favorite?
2. What is your favorite thing to teach?
3. What resource is your favorite and most-used in your classroom?
4. How do you start your day? Coffee, Sonic? Smile
5. What was your favorite teacher gift from a student?
6. What is your absolute, most memorable moment in your teaching career?
7. Do you want to be a classroom teacher for the rest of your career or do you have administration aspirations?
8. What is your one thing in your classroom that you could not live without?
9. Do you have a class pet?  If so, what is it?  If not, what would you have if you did?
10. What are 3 fun facts about you (teacher related or not)?

Now..I TAG:
Cheryl @ Crayons & Curls
Don’t forget about the giveaway for my new Earth Day Mini-Unit! Click the picture below to go back to the post!
Earth Day1
Happy Monday!!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the bathtub in the reading corner!!!! :)

  2. Yeah... a bathtub... that's crazy!
    And I too would keep teaching if I won the jackpot! I would just go on a lavish vacation each time we had a break!

  3. Girl, could you imagine us stressed together?????? We would bake a storm!! :) I answered your questions---it was fun, thanks! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous
