Friday, August 31, 2012

Transition Troubles?

If there is one thing I have learned about children who are in new places or new situations, it’s that they feel UNCOMFORTABLE.  I mean, let’s think about it.  We are adults, who have probably encountered many different situations and environments.  But, we still are a little uneasy about new situations.  Now imagine if you were a young child, or a child with special needs {autism especially}.  Talk about overwhelming.  I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable it must feel for them!  One thing that I have found that is so incredibly helpful for autistic students is what some call a “transition” box.  Where I work we call it their “hobby” box.  Basically, parents share or teachers observe what toys, activities and people the student finds enjoyable.  It can be anything from tickles and hugs to music and toys.  Once identified these items can be used during particularly stressful times for the student, such as transitions.  These items will make the transition feel a little less scary because the new situation will include things that they like {transition/hobby box items}.  Another great post about this concept can be found at The Inclusive Church

Source: The Inclusive Church

I think this concept is great for autistic/special needs students but I think it can also be applicable to those students who might be shy in new situations.  How do you think it could be incorporated into the classroom?

Signature copy

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea and definitely may be trying this with some of my students!
