Friday, August 31, 2012

Transition Troubles?

If there is one thing I have learned about children who are in new places or new situations, it’s that they feel UNCOMFORTABLE.  I mean, let’s think about it.  We are adults, who have probably encountered many different situations and environments.  But, we still are a little uneasy about new situations.  Now imagine if you were a young child, or a child with special needs {autism especially}.  Talk about overwhelming.  I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable it must feel for them!  One thing that I have found that is so incredibly helpful for autistic students is what some call a “transition” box.  Where I work we call it their “hobby” box.  Basically, parents share or teachers observe what toys, activities and people the student finds enjoyable.  It can be anything from tickles and hugs to music and toys.  Once identified these items can be used during particularly stressful times for the student, such as transitions.  These items will make the transition feel a little less scary because the new situation will include things that they like {transition/hobby box items}.  Another great post about this concept can be found at The Inclusive Church

Source: The Inclusive Church

I think this concept is great for autistic/special needs students but I think it can also be applicable to those students who might be shy in new situations.  How do you think it could be incorporated into the classroom?

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Math Monday is BAACK!!: Animal Plate Math

Hello bloggy friends!! It’s been a while! I have been busy getting acclimated in my new position and let me just tell you…God knows what He’s doing.  I’ve been so blessed by each and every kiddo I’m working with and have seen so much progress in just two short weeks! L-O-V-E it!

On to the fun stuff..Math Monday is baaack!! It’s been a long time but I think you’ll like this one!  And there’s a freebie at the end!  So stick with me!

Have you seen these A-DOR-ABLE plates?

Animal Plates

These are the Hefty ZooPals plates!  This is the Safari pack I think…they rotate the collections yearly so there are sometimes different kinds.  The kiddos absolutely LOVE LOVE them!!  You might be thinking, yeah to eat off of…but how can you teach with them?  Well have I got a solution for you! 
I use these to help teach part-part-whole, lead into addition using “and”, teach addition, and teach fact families.  I use them ALL YEAR long in math small groups for kinder!  Let me show you:
Animal Plate1

Now do you see?  The ears become parts and the mouth/face area becomes the whole!  At the beginning of the year, we count into the whole section.  So I might say the number 9 and the kiddos count 9 manipulatives into the whole section.  After this is mastered, we count into the whole and then count into the part sections.  So they might put 9 manipulatives in the whole and then we practice putting combinations of manipulatives in the part sections (ears) to make nine.  They could have 4 in one ear and 5 in the other, 1 in one ear and 8 in the other, etc.  We talk about how the parts make up the whole.  Then, we practice backwards.  I dictate “Put 3 in one ear, put 4 in the other.”  Then the kiddos have to put the same number in the whole.  So they would count how many are in both ears TOGETHER and put 7 in the whole section.  After this skill is mastered, we practice filling both parts and the whole and saying a math sentence to match.  So if there were 3 and 4 in the parts and 7 in the whole I would model and students would say “3 and 4 make 7.”  Then once this is mastered we use “plus” and “equals.”  So they would say “3 plus 4 equals 7.”  Then, we would do fact families using these!  It’s so great because there is the background knowledge of each step using the plates.  The kiddos become familiar with them and know what the parts are & what the steps are!  So in case that was confusing, here are the different levels I use with these fun plates:

1. Count into whole section.
2. Count into whole section.  Then count same number into part sections.
    Ex: 7 in whole, 3 and 4 in parts
3. Count into parts sections.  Then count same number into whole section.
4. Fill in parts and whole.  Say “part AND part MAKES whole.”
    Ex: “3 and 4 makes 7”
5. Fill in parts and whole.  Say “part PLUS part EQUALS whole.”
    Ex: “3 plus 4 equals 7”
6. Fill in parts and whole.  Talk about fact families!!

Now for the freebie!  I have also found while working with these it is great to have some type of recording sheet for the kiddos to keep track.  Especially at the beginning!  So of course, you get them for FREE!  Click on the picture below or HERE to grab them!

Animal Plate Math

Enjoy!  And happy beginning of the year!

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Winner and a HUGE, MASSIVE Sale!

Love all the feedback I got yesterday from my Old Lady stuff!! The winner of the pack of her choice is: Mary Beth! Congratulations Mary Beth!  ’ll be emailing you shortly.
On another exciting note….I’m announcing a huge, massive SALE!
Slide1From Sunday, August 12 to Monday, August 13th EVERY item in my store will be 28% off with the promo code BTS12. Click the image above to head to my store!

BLOGGERS and SELLERS: Feel free to use my graphic and link up below! Let’s link up all of our awesome stores that will be on sale! ***Please link to your STORE.  All others will be removed.***

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

There Was An Old Lady…

That was EXHAUSTED! Well I’m not quite the old lady, but I am quite tired this week.  All I will say is that God always leads you right where you need to be! Sometimes you are rerouted, but it all works out in the end.
But, there was an old lady who swallowed a bunch of stuff…like shells, chicks, books, bells, snow, a clover, leaves, a bat… the list goes on and on. Lucky for you, I’ve created some fun and simple sequencing activities for all of these fun books by Lucille Colandro and I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson.
In my store, I have added all the sequencing activities for the individual books {including the newest…There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books!!} Click on each to head to the page!
Also, for a math connection….I created some roll & cover games to reinforce number recognition and addition to go along with the books:
For convenience, I also bundled all of the sequencing and the roll & cover together.  You save $7.50 by buying the bundle!!!
And by request…I bundled ONLY the sequencing together.  You save $6.00 by buying this bundle!!!
And, as usual!! I’ll do a flash giveaway of the bundle pack of your preference!  Just leave a comment stating:
-Which pack you would like and why…
-Email address *VERY IMPORTANT!*
I’ll choose a random winner tomorrow night {Thursday} around 9pm CST.
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Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Heart of Teaching

If you’re anything like me {and most teachers} then teaching is MUCH more than just a job for you.  Teaching is a calling and a mission field.  Some of us have students that don’t get enough love and attention at home, some don’t have enough food or care at home, some have those things but because parents are so busy they don’t get the attention they desire and deserve.  Some of the students in our classroom feel safer and more “at home” in our classroom than their actual homes.  This is why our classroom becomes our mission field! 

As far as the calling, I can say that when I am not teaching I feel out of balance…like I’m not doing what I’ve been called to do.  You see, we have a much more important job than simply teaching skills that are tested.  We have the responsibility to the hearts and minds of countless students.  The way we interact with our students helps shape their life skills, self esteem, social interactions, and on and on.  Seems like a lot, huh?  But we do it with a smile in our face and genuine love in our hearts for our students.

At the beginning of each year, I spend time reminding myself of this responsibility and calling.  I always, always listen to Nichole Nordeman’s song Legacy.  The line that lingers in my mind goes like this: “I want to leave a legacy.  How will they remember me?  Did I choose to love?…”  {Check out the video at the end of the post.}  Every copy made, activity created, paper graded, running record taken, assessment administered, etc. should be oozing with our love for our students.  This song reminds me of this.  I want each and every student that walks through my door to leave feeling loved and knowing that they can conquer the world.

The other day I came across a quote on Pinterest {I know, I’m addicted!} that spurred me to write this post and create this little freebie poster.


{Download HERE}

Wow.  What a statement by Ann Landers.  So often we get wrapped up in the papers, the meetings, the standards, etc. that we forget that our ultimate goal is to help these students be successful in life!  Not just on a test or paper, but in LIFE! I love this quote because it’s a great reminder that it’s not what we do but what we teach our kiddos to do for themselves that is important.  Those moments when a student figures out how to solve a math problem, read a book, or work together as a team…those moments when the light bulb goes off and their mind is racing…those are the moments that matter.  The moments when those kiddos KNOW that they can do it themselves—those are the moments that are shaping them into successful human beings!  This quote also reminds me that I don’t want my classroom to function like a lecture.  I want my classroom to be inquiry and discovery based AS MUCH as possible!  I want to be facilitator as much as possible.  I want my students to become learners and to LOVE learning.  I ultimately want them to be life-long lovers of learning.

So as you begin this new school year, amidst the paperwork, open houses, assessments, and meetings, take a moment {or a lot of moments} to think about the heart of teaching.  Think about how you want your students to feel every day in your classroom.  Think about how you want your students to remember you and your classroom.  Set a goal and go for it!  Though none of us are perfect, and there will definitely be distractions, strive to do your best for those little hearts in your room this year. I know I will be focusing on the hearts of my little ones a lot as I begin this school year. Join me!

Nichole Nordeman-Legacy

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