Happy Friday everyone! I’ve been finishing up my latest project and I’m so excited about it!! Stick with me, there’s a freebie at the end!
I know many of you are already planning for next year! I’ve created a planning pack with lots of resources to help organize your planning. Some of the PDF forms are even editable!!! It was a tricky situation figuring that out but I think I figured it out! I even printed my planner at FedEx office and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Get yours here!
Here’s a peek at what’s included:
A planner with 2 page month spreads and 2 page weekly spreads, already dated and in one file for easy printing!
Two page weekly planner spreads (lined and unlined)

Week at a Glance and Year at a Glance

Now here’s the fun stuff specifically created for teacher planning! These are in separate files so you can pick and choose what you want to use. I suggest printing and putting in a binder for easy storage and reference! :) This is a long range planner that can be used to plan out your units, weeks, grading periods, or even year! (in black and white and color-also available with an editable PDF)

This is a weekly planner that can be used to plan out your weeks. I LOVE this planner and have used it so much! (In black and white, lined and unlined-available unlined in an editable PDF)

I also included step by step instructions for the editable files, and step by step instructions for printing the planner to FedEx Office.

Now for the freebie! Here’s a 2 page monthly spread that’s blank so you can use it for any month! Enjoy! Click the picture to download!

Annnd…I want to give you a chance to WIN this pack! I’ll announce winners on Monday evening! Here’s your chances to enter:
1. Leave a comment with what piece of this pack is your favorite!
2. Leave a comment if you follow my TPT store.
Happy weekend! I hope to be back Sunday with a much anticipated Numbers Galore 50-100 freebie!